David and I went shopping and looking at dresses. David really likes to practice his Japanese every chance he gets and was trying to talk to the shop keeper. In Japanese, she asked him what his favorite Japanese phrase was. David wasn't prepared for this. It wasn't "How is the weather" or "where are you from". But my brain was somehow prepared for this.
Without skipping a beat, I looked up from my phone and interjected, "yare yare" (good grief).
Like the unexpected question, there was the unexpected answer. She couldn't believe her ears.
* * *
David and I perused the menu at the Osaka Monster Hunter Bar. I think maybe he was a bit hungry because instead of ordering the single portion french fries, he ordered the large plate. The regular was shown as a tiny pail on the menu, so David said he was expecting a slightly larger bucket. What we got was an overflowing mountain of french fries.
"How do you say a lot?!" I asked.
"Many, many potato." said my Japanese waitress, who apparently understood me.
The Japanese waitress, David, and I exchanged looks and died of laughter. And then maybe potatoes.
* * *
B-Side Label has onigiri gotcha gotcha. David is an onigiri fiend, so of course, we had to get one. You can get one of six designs, or... the ultra secret rare design.
We got one onigiri. And we got the ultra secret design. It was an interesting black cylinder that adorned the onigiri; I had never seen anything like it. And we eat a LOT of onigiri.
We ended up at B-Side Label in Kyoto. David and I struck up a conversation with one of the sales people and she was telling us about the different designs and we were like oh, we've noticed the secret design and we got it from Osaka! Except we had no idea what it was. We were like we LOVE eating onigiri and wanted to know what it was.
After looking very concerned and trying to tell us verbally (I'm still not entirely sure what the actual Japanese noun she used was, but it wasn't what I expected it to be), she Google translated to us that it was the Chef Onigiri. Wearing his little chef hat. Please, do not eat the chef.
We were so embarrassed.
We can never return to the B-Side Label in Kyoto.
More ridiculous updates will be added as we continue to fumble.